a finger touching the brain

NLP & New Code NLP –
The Difference

Co-Creators of NLP:

John Grinder (NLP co-founder)
John Grinder
co-creator of NLP & New Code NLP
Richard Bandler (co-founder of NLP)
Richard Bandler
co-creator of NLP
Frank Pucelik (NLP co-founder)
Frank Pucelik
co-creator of NLP

Co-Creators of New Code NLP

John Grinder (NLP co-founder)
John Grinder
Co-creator of NLP and New Code NLP
Carmen Bostic St Clair
Carmen Bostic St. Clair
Co-creator of New Code NLP
Judith DeLozier
Judith Delozier
Co-creator of New Code NLP

Origin of New Code NLP

“New Code NLP is a set of patterns developed in the 1980s by myself (Dr. John Grinder), along with contributions initially by Judith Delozier and later by Carmen Bostic St. Clair.

The motivations for our creation of New Code NLP were many that include a recognition that the coding of patterning that I accomplished with Richard Bandler in the creation of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) contained a number of serious coding flaws.

(Hence, the intention of creating New Code NLP is to rectify the coding flaws of NLP).

In New Code NLP, we also take the design variables of NLP to the extreme.
For example, the resource state in New Code NLP is created by a game or task that activates a ‘content-free, high-performance state’ which has no historical experiences attached.”

-John Grinder (co-creator of NLP & New Code NLP) in the NLP book – ‘Whispering in the Wind’

a small plant growing

Curious to know what is New Code NLP and how your experience with my New Code NLP Training will be different from an NLP Training?

Do you wish to experience New Code NLP?

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Difference between NLP and New Code NLP

Abhay Thhakar (New Code NLP Trainer) often gets asked “what is the difference between NLP and New Code NLP” by people before they enroll for his New Code NLP certification course in India and abroad.

This also includes those who have learnt NLP before – NLP Practitioners, NLP Master Practitioners and NLP Trainers, since they are keen to enhance their knowledge and skills of NLP.

There have already been many NLP Trainers and NLP Master Practitioners from India and abroad who have attended Abhay's New Code NLP training. You can find
reviews by some of them at the bottom of the page.

Note: Since New Code NLP is the intellectual rights of John Grinder so only those NLP trainers directly certified by him as New Code NLP trainer can teach New Code NLP legally.

Abhay Thhakkar is the first NLP Trainer from India to facilitate New Code NLP trainings in India.

two head joining and in betweeb a puzzle


What Participants say about
Abhay's NLP Trainings:

"Gratitude from the bottom of my heart for the soulful experience that changed my life and my perspective of life"

a participant experiencing confidence during Abhay's NLP certification course in Mumbai.
Mrunali Kolekar

"I stopped takin medicine for BP as my BP is normal, cervical spondylitis disappeared, headache is under control, memory has improved, confident level has increased, stress has reduced, asthma is in control"

a participant standing in 3rd position of perceptual position during Neuro Linguistic Programming course in India
Seema Mangoankar

"You will learn really intense and impactful techniques without even realising. No pomp and show, instead pure and deep learning."

a lady with eyes closed and fingers on the chin, thinking during NLP certification training in Mumbai
Banita Sharma

"For me it was a really a life transforming course"

a lady smiling during NLP training course in Mumbai
Sheetal Patil

"Can't thank Abhay enough for the experience. I feel such a powerful divine spiritual connection with something beyond me. Also, so much congruence and ease with myself. Also feeling something deep within the earth is holding me firmly. Very divine and powerful feeling."

a lady with eyes closed, experiencing deep meditative state during Transformative NLP training in Mumbai.
Janice Chandran

"A transformative journey in the real sense and a very engrossing training with lots and lots of learnings."

a lady smiling and looking during Abhay's NLP workshop in India
Niraja Jhala

"It has never been an easy task for me to forgive myself for anything and everything happening around me that was not so good. And now, I was able to do it easily for something that happened with. It is such a wonderful feeling to feel free of the obligations."

Hema Mittal
Hema Mittal

"It has been an incredible experience for me. Abhay has helped in emptying myself and to only fill with the positives"

a lady smiling and enjoying Abhay's NLP course in India
Mansha Mirapuri

"It was a life-changing experience.
This course also helped me to heal from my childhood trauma which I might have carried for a lifetime.
Apart from that, I have observed positive changes in my behavioral and emotional health. I got rid of my negative emotions like resentment, hurt, and frustration and became a calmer person."

a lady with eyes closed and meditating during Internationally certified NLP course in India
Jaspreet Kaur
a lady with hands stretched out during Abhay's NLP Training

The content below on ‘Differences between NLP and New Code NLP’ will give you an idea of the differences between the two.

1 - Unconscious Mind
2 - Selection of critical elements
3 - Accessing resources
4 - Ecology check
5 - Behaviour and State

1. Unconscious mind

NLP: Lack of involvement of the unconscious mind in the NLP techniques and tools.

New Code NLP: The unconscious mind is explicitly involved in all critical steps in the New Code NLP techniques and tools.
It thereby allows you to go beyond your conscious limitations that you have set for yourself.

You are much more than what you think and believe you are.
brain colours - left brain and right brain
a lady with arms open on side, enjoying during Abhay's NLP Practitioner course in Mumbai

The only NLP technique/pattern that involves the unconscious mind is ‘6 step reframing’ (now known as ‘Nth step reframing’) in which the unconscious mind selects the behaviour.

As a result, it is in fact, the ‘6 step reframing’ that is the bridge between NLP and New Code NLP. ‘6 Step Reframing’, is also considered as the ‘breakthrough pattern’.

In Abhay's New Code NLP courses in India and abroad, he teaches many methods besides ‘6 step reframing’ in which the unconscious mind can be used in multiple ways as an ally for addressing various issues and even in aspects of life where growth is desired.

I know that you are probably aware that the unconscious mind is more powerful than the conscious mind, then why not involve the unconscious mind in the techniques/tools.

In Structure of Magic I, John Grinder and Richard Bandler have shared their opinion on unconscious mind.

Dr. Milton H Erickson

“Patients are patients because they are not in rapport with their unconscious mind”

- Dr. Milton Erickson

2. Selection of critical elements

NLP: The conscious mind selects critical elements – the outcome, desired state, resources, alternate new behaviours in a context in which a person desires a change.

As John Grinder says, in this case, you (as an NLP coach/NLP Trainer) are simply making (the client) an unhappy robot into a happy robot.

a girl looking above at bulbs
a participant of NLP course in Mumbai, with eyes closed

New Code NLP: The unconscious mind selects critical elements – the outcome, desired state, resources, alternate new behaviours in a context in which an individual desires a change.

Hence, with New Code NLP techniques and tools, you also go beyond conscious limitations.

3. Accessing resources

NLP: The resources are taken from memory.

The flaw in it is that there is a possibility of a memory having positive resources as well as a tinge of ‘negative’ resources.

a lady in connecting within during NLP practitioner course in Mumbai, facilitated by Abhay Thhakkar
sad girl looking out of window

For example:
As an NLP coach, Abhay was working with a client using an NLP technique of anchoring, in which she had to take a resource from a memory.

During the process, the client went back to the memory of her birthday when she was 8 years old.
As she was accessing the positive resource of that memory, suddenly there was a tear in her eye.
She said that the memory involved her father giving her a gift and currently since her father is not alive anymore, it brought about sadness in her.

Hence, the approach of taking a resource from past, was not applicable in this instance.
Thereafter, Abhay had to resort to another technique during the session to enable her to achieve her outcome.

In addition, some clients just do not ‘feel’ positive resources when they are accessing memories. Consequently, the effectiveness of NLP techniques seems to reduce in such cases.

New Code NLP: The unconscious mind automatically selects the resource state, which has no historical experiences attached.
The resource states are automatically created by New Code NLP games or activities.

After playing the New Code NLP games, a ‘content-free, high-performance state’ is activated in every person who is playing the New Code NLP game.

Hence this approach works even if a person is detached from feelings or is unable to access the resources from the past.

a lady with hands stretched out and up during NLP certification in Mumbai
a lay with hands stretched out and experiencing freedom during NLP certification course in Mumbai by Abhay

The patterns of unconscious access through New Code NLP techniques and tools also enable an individual to access a ‘know-nothing state’- a state essential for ‘NLP Modelling’ and useful in various aspects of personal and professional life.

4. Ecology check

Ecology is the consequences the desired change has in every aspect of life.

NLP: Even though there are certain questions used in NLP techniques and tools which are designed to do an ecology check, there is a possibility of missing out on certain aspects.

New Code NLP: Since the New Code NLP techniques and tools involve the unconscious mind, ecology checks are more complete.

Work Life balance
NLP course in India

5. Behaviour and State

NLP: Many NLP tools and techniques involve addressing only a specific behaviour.

New Code NLP: The New Code NLP tools and techniques involve addressing at the level of state (neurology and biochemistry) rather than the behaviour.

lady doing multitasking
Abhay Thhakkar - NLP Coach and NLP Trainer from India

The advantage of working at the level of state rather than behaviour is that the state is at a higher logical level than behaviour.

Which means that by addressing a state, you address not only one behaviour but also, many of the behaviours simultaneously.

The Magic of New Code NLP techniques and tools

As an NLP Trainer and New Code NLP Trainer when Abhay has facilitated New Code NLP Certification workshops in India, it always gives him immense joy when participants of my New Code NLP training often share that their behaviour with others- including family members has improved.

What’s fascinating is that they had not even worked on healing any aspect of the relationship or behaviour with those individuals or family members during the New Code NLP workshop.

group pic in NLP course in Mumbai
Group of participants at NLP Training course in India

Create State Choice in your Life

New Code NLP activities lead a person naturally to a content-free, high-performance state.

As John Grinder (co-creator of NLP and New Code NLP) had often said in his NLP trainings which I had attended and was a mentor in –

“Problem is not the problem, the state in which you enter the problem is the problem.”

Hence, a fundamental aspect of New Code NLP is to freely have access to high-performance states and create state choices in your life.

You can find further information on the International Certification Trainings offered by Transformative NLP International, on NLP Training page.

Although, if you are someone new to the field of NLP and are curious to find information about NLP before enrolling for the courses, visit NLP History and What is NLP page.

On the other hand, if you are someone who has already learnt NLP before, you are obviously someone who is motivated towards enhancing your quality of life. And so just as other NLP Practitioners/ NLP Master Practitioners/ NLP Trainers in the past who choose to enhance their skills and abilities and thereby gain more benefits in life, you are having the opportunity by enrolling in the New Code NLP International Certification training now.

ITA NLP certificate
“If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than who you are right now”

What are participants saying about Abhay's NLP Trainings:

Nishant Nanaware - NLP Master Practitioner from Pune (Learnt NLP before from Alphastars – Sat & Siri),
Attended certified New Code NLP Training in Mumbai

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Anand Kumar- NLP Master Practitioner from Madurai (Learnt NLP before Karthik & Vikram Dhar),
Attended certified New Code NLP Training in Bangalore

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Venkat Subramanian - NLP Master Practitioner from Chennai (Learnt NLP before from Antono & Harini),
Attended certified New Code NLP Training in Bangalore

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Masood Ali Khan- NLP Trainer from Hyderabad
(Learnt NLP before from Robert Simic, Yogesh Verma & Sajid Ahamed),
Attended New Code NLP training in Mumbai

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Amit Yadav- NLP Master Practitioner from Ahmedabad (Learnt NLP before from Ram Verma),
Attended certified New Code NLP Training in Mumbai

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Gowtham Natarajan- NLP Practitioner from Erode,
(Learnt NLP before from Karthik & Toby Joseph),
Attended certified New Code NLP Training in Bangalore

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Pradipta Mukherjee - NLP Master Practitioner from Kolkotta (Learnt NLP before from Amit Pathak),
Attended New Code NLP Certification Training in Mumbai

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Anu Krishna - NLP Trainer from Bangalore
(Learnt NLP before from Ashlesh Rao),
Attended certified New Code NLP Training in Mumbai

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a lady being emotional during Abhay's NLP training course in India

Video Testimonial

Speak with NLP Trainer - Abhay