Abhay Thhakkar - NLP Coach and NLP Trainer from India

NLP Certification Courses in India

Wondering which NLP course in India to attend?

NLP certificates on the wall

NLP courses in India

Perhaps you may have come on this page of the website to know which NLP certification training in India or abroad to opt for since there are many facilitators in India and abroad who offer NLP certification trainings. Or you have come to this page out of curiosity.

However, what you will find on this page is:

• Criteria set by Dr. John Grinder (co-creator of NLP) for selecting an NLP Trainer and NLP Certification Course which can make it easier for you to select.

International set standards set by all 3 co-creators of NLP – Dr. John Grinder, Richard Bandler and Frank Pucelik – on the duration of an NLP certification course – NLP Practitioner, NLP Master Practitioner and New Code NLP Practitioner.

Why Is It Difficult to Select an NLP Training in India?

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) falls under the public domain.
Therefore, it is legally possible for anyone to provide any NLP certification courses worldwide.

As a result, there is also no specific single organization which standardises NLP certification courses in India and worldwide.

Not having a single global organisation to overlook the standards and quality of an NLP workshop, allows an individual to become an NLP coach and even become an NLP Trainer (and even facilitate NLP Trainers Training) without attending a single NLP workshop and even self- proclaim to be the top- best NLP Trainer in India/top-best NLP Coach in India.

Therefore, this can make it difficult for an individual to select which NLP certification training to opt for and who is the best NLP trainer in India suited for your learning journey of Neuro Linguistic Programming.

Abhay Thhakkar - NLP Practitioner from India
many keys hanging with a person touching one key

International NLP Training standards

However, there are certain international standards set by co-creators of NLP
– Dr. John Grinder, Richard Bandler and Frank Pucelik, to ensure high quality of NLP certification courses is maintained across the world.

On this page, you will find their set standards that are applicable for NLP certifications in India and worldwide for the following courses- NLP Practitioner Certification, NLP Master Practitioner Certification, New Code NLP Practitioner Certification and NLP Trainers Training.

Transformative NLP International (T-NLP) is an Internationally certified NLP Training institute.

Finding upcoming NLP Trainings?

Two ladies with hands on chin during NLP certification in India

Criteria for selection of Certified NLP Trainer in India or abroad

To make the process easier of selecting which NLP Certification to attend, it is recommended to check the criteria set by Dr. John Grinder (co-creator of NLP).
Additionally, I have written my own notes after each of the criteria:

1. ACT

1. ACT

An Experiential Learning

John Grinder: “The basis of effective NLP training is the creation by the NLP trainer of a series of contexts in which through experience the student may arrive at his own direct tacit knowledge of the patterning.

In other words, the measure of effective training is whether the student can do it, never whether he can talk about it.

Abhay Thakkar: “Participants of my NLP certification courses often share with me that one of the things they liked the most about my NLP courses is that there are many practice rounds. In addition, they enjoy the experiential learning of NLP.

I personally believe that lots of theoretical information is already available on Google, YouTube and NLP books. Hence, why spend so much time talking about it, how about rather practicing?”

a group discussion with notes on the table during NLP Practitioner course in Mumbai
NLP course in India
NLP coaches seeing sticky notes on windows


NO Preaching in NLP Courses

John Grinder: “That all NLP training materials be carefully scrutinized to ensure that only formal (never content) patterning is being presented as NLP patterning.
Would be NLP trainers unable to make this distinction are disqualified until they achieve such competency.”

Abhay Thakkar: “When I attended (and mentored in) International NLP certification workshops which were facilitated by Dr. John Grinder, he spent ample time with us, as NLP Trainers directly certified by him – to distinguish between process and content since some NLP topics that are taught by some NLP trainers in their NLP workshops is not NLP.

The NLP and New Code NLP courses I facilitate are certified by Dr. John Grinder. Hence, I ensure that the topics I teach in my NLP certification courses are based on formal and process patterning rather than content.

As a result, the contents of my NLP and New Code NLP workshops meet the international NLP certification standards.”

3. Discover

Creating NLP

John Grinder: “That the ideal design of NLP training inherently involves discovery processes by which the student achieves unconscious (tacit) competency prior to achieving explicit verbal competency.
A pattern discovered belongs to the discoverer; a pattern presented belongs to the presenter.”

Abhay Thakkar: “I provide ample of ‘contexts of discovery’ for the participants in my NLP certification workshops. In other words, the participants get an opportunity to discover learnings on their own. Since if I don’t do so, I would rob away their learnings.

Hence this format provides an opportunity for participants to learn in an experiential and practical method.
For instance- In my New Code NLP certification workshops, participants not only learn New Code NLP games, but they also create their own New Code NLP games.

In addition, I often have participants who have previously learnt various healing modalities. Since I too have learnt many healing modalities for over 10 years, it gives me the opportunity to discuss with those participants of how they can integrate what they have learnt in the New Code NLP certification workshop with the other healing modalities."

a man standing with three arrows with different directions in front
Shruti Mishra experiencing a deep trance state during Abhay's NLP course in Mumbai
a lady getting congratulated after completing NLP certification training


Is the Certified NLP Trainer Genuine?

John Grinder: “That the single most important variable in the NLP training context is the congruity of the NLP trainer. Without an appropriate model (the NLP facilitator) offering demonstrations of the patterning, the NLP training is unlikely to achieve the desired results.”

Abhay Thakkar: “Since I love to learn, I continuously enhance my knowledge by attending various courses which may not only be Neuro Linguistic Programming courses.
One of the criteria I look out for is the congruity of a facilitator and whether I ‘connect’ with him/her. I recommend that you could do the same as well.”

You can also find the above 4 criteria set by Dr. John Grinder in his NLP book – ‘Whispering in the wind’.

Additionally, you can find similar selection criteria for NLP Certification course on A Consumer’s Guide to Good Training by Connirae and Steve Andreas (co-developer of NLP).

a finger pointing on search engine
Abhay Thhakkar with a participant in his NLP Training course in India
A lady's hand holding blank paper

NLP Certificate in India – Only a Piece of Paper?

I am aware and do agree with many NLP trainers in India and abroad who say that the selection of an NLP training must not solely depend on the NLP certification provided, but also the quality of NLP trainings provided by him/her.
However, the criteria stated above by Dr. John Grinder can still be considered before enrolling.

Evaluations to become a Certified NLP Trainer

In addition to the above 4 criteria, what were the evaluations that the NLP Trainer had to go through before being qualified to provide NLP Certification Trainings?

Before being certified as an International NLP Trainer and New Code NLP Trainer by Dr. John Grinder, Carmen Bostic and Michael Carroll (ITA), I had to go through several evaluations.

In fact, many NLP Trainers from reputed NLP institutes have even failed ITA’s NLP Trainers Training evaluations. The ITA, through their high and stringent standards of evaluations, ensures that those certified by them are of high quality.

New Code NLP logo
many people sitting in a auditorium for an NLP training

International Standards of NLP Course Duration

Further, what are the number of days of the NLP Certification Training?

There is no NLP organization that standardises the NLP courses – NLP Practitioner certification, NLP Master Practitioner certification, New Code NLP Practitioner.
Hence, the duration and content of the NLP courses in India and overseas vary.

Some NLP trainers facilitate NLP workshops through International certifying bodies. However, some NLP Trainers in India have created their own certifying body (the certificate they give to a participant after completion of an NLP workshop is not likely to be internationally recognized).

But there are a certain number of days which are standardised by the NLP co-creators – Dr. John Grinder, Richard Bandler and Frank Pucelik-  for an NLP Certification training.

Abhay Thhakkar - NLP Coach and NLP Trainer from India
two clocks with colourful background

The certifying bodies and the minimum days recommended for an NLP Training

The following are standards set by co-creators of NLP – Dr. John Grinder, Richard Bandler and Frank Pucelik- for the no of days for an NLP Training:


International Trainers Academy (ITA) – John Grinder

• NLP Practitioner – 9 days
• NLP Master Practitioner – 9 days
• New Code NLP – 5 days

ITCA logo
Neuro Linguistic Programming logo

Society of Neuro Linguistic Programming (SNLP) – Richard Bandler

• NLP Practitioner – 7 days
• NLP Master Practitioner – 7 days

Meta International – Frank Pucelik

• NLP Practitioner – 10 days
• NLP Master Practitioner – 10 days

Meta International logo
logo of Transformative NLP Training International

Transformative NLP International (T-NLP)

Abhay's NLP training Institute – Transformative NLP International (T-NLP), offers NLP courses in India (and abroad as well), that are certified by ITA.

Therefore, your NLP certificate carries the signature of Dr. John Grinder as well as co-developers of New Code NLP – Michael Carroll, Carmen Bostic St Clair and myself.

As a result, the Neuro Linguistic Programming courses that I provide are internationally recognized and the certificate you will receive has a value not only in India but also across the world

Duration of my certified NLP Courses in India

Since I provide ITA certified NLP certification courses, my NLP Training Institute – Transformative NLP International (T-NLP), follows the minimum training hours recommended by ITA.
For instance, ITA recommends 5 days for New Code NLP Training. Hence, my New Code NLP certification courses in India are for 5 days.

Additionally, my New Code NLP Certification Trainings are more than 5 days beyond the recommended time duration set by ITA. This provides an opportunity for participants to learn and practice more.

Moreover, I provide lifetime mentoring for participants after they have attended the NLP Certification training for no additional cost.

You can find further information about my NLP workshop design format by visiting NLP Workshop Design.

NLP - Hypnotherapy course at D Y Patil college, Mumbai - by Abhay Thhakkar
Abhay Thhakkar - NLP Practitioner from India

New Code NLP - NLP -Neuro Linguistic Programming course

Many participants before enrolling for my NLP certification courses, ask me regarding the difference between NLP and New Code NLP certification course.
If you are someone who is keen to also know the difference, visit NLP and New Code NLP – Different?

To find New Code NLP course details, you can visit New Code NLP training.

Besides that, if you are someone who is keen to experience NLP over 2 days before you enroll for other NLP certification courses, you can attend NLP Core Skills training.

Earn the International NLP Certification in India

The NLP and New Code NLP certification workshops I provide are Internationally Certified. Therefore, to maintain the international standards, you do not qualify to receive the ITA certificate just by attending the NLP course.
You have to earn it.

There are evaluations that you have to go through before you receive the
ITA certificate, which is recognized worldwide.

The evaluations include group discussions, written evaluations, case studies. Importantly, also NLP Coaching sessions in which you practically demonstrate the applications of NLP techniques and tools which you had learnt during the NLP Certification Training.

Consequently, this also ensures that participants of my NLP certification trainings have a higher standard of NLP coaching, which they can offer to those who wish to enhance their quality of life.

many hands holding different country flags
John Grinder (NLP co-founder)

“By selecting an ITA NLP trainer, you have the assurance that your trainer has been trained and awarded certification as an NLP trainer personally by me, and New Code NLP co-developers – Carmen Bostic St. Clair and Michael Carroll.” – Dr. John Grinder (co-creator of NLP and New Code NLP)

Best NLP Trainer in India/ Best NLP course in India

Perhaps this page has given you an insight while you are selecting the top - best NLP trainer from India /best NLP teacher in India/ best NLP coach in India to learn from and best NLP course in India/best NLP training in India to begin your journey in the world of Neuro Linguistic Programming.

Neuro Linguistic Programming courses will enhance your quality of life.

Group of participants at NLP Training course in India
Never stop learning because life never stops teaching

What are participants saying about T-NLP Trainings:

Vinoth Babu- NLP Trainer from Chennai,
Attended certified NLP
Training in Bangalore

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Dr. Sanjeev Padmanaman - Access Consciousness Facilitator from Mumbai,
Attended certified NLP
Training in Mumbai

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Ashima Malhotra - HR Consultant from Delhi,
Attended certified NLP Training in Delhi

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Maneet Malloo- Child Coach from Kolkotta,
Attended certified NLP Training in Mumbai

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Mehek Wadhwa - Yoga Trainer & NLP Coach from Mumbai (Learnt NLP before from Manjiri Latey)
Attended certified NLP Course in Mumbai

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Puneet Kumar - Leading team of telecom and software professionals at Ericsson,
Attended certified NLP Training in Mumbai

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NLP Coach during NLP Practitioner course in India
Speak with NLP Trainer - Abhay